Security is the top priority for the StellaSwap team. That is why we have engaged with Certik, is the leading security-focused ranking platform to analyze and monitor blockchain protocols and DeFi projects.
We have completed a full audit of all our smart contracts by SolidProof. The engagement was technical in nature and focused on identifying security flaws in the design and implementation of the contracts.
We have completed a full audit of all our smart contracts by SolidProof. The engagement was technical in nature and focused on identifying security flaws in the design and implementation of the contracts.
We engaged SolidProof for a comprehensive audit of our Stable AMM before launching. The full audit of our Stable AMM can be found here:
Token Smart Contract
We have successfully completed an audit of our token smart contract address and Solid Proof has maintained that "The contract does not contain issues of high or medium criticality". Here is the audit report from SolidProof:
Our Pulsar V3 codebase has been audited by numerous top auditors to ensure maximum coverage. This include ABDK Consulting, Hexen & Hexen. StellaSwap also partnered with Quickswap to perform an additional bounty audit on Code4rena.
In order to continually foster greater security oversight, StellaSwap has an active bug bounty program on ImmuneFi, Web3's leading bug bounty platform. We're proud of the fact that we have one of the largest bug bounty across Polkadot & Moonbeam. Our commitment to security is the highest priority.