Add Liquidity (Auto)
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You can automate the management of your liquidity positions to ensure that it never goes out-of-range (OOR). We've partnered with the top ALM, Beefy, to support StellaSwap pools!
Here's what you'll need; 1. Any or both token (e.g. GLMR + DOT if you select GLMT-DOT farm) 2. GLMR to pay gas transaction
Go to our Pool page and select any pool that you're interested to deposit in.
Once you've clicked on a pool, select the "Auto" strategy. Auto vaults manages your LP positions for you so you're always earning (never go out-of-range), and it is run by Beefy, the leading ALM in DeFi.
Select the token that you wish to deposit. What's great about Beefy is that it allows you to deposit both tokens or a single-token, so you don't have to worry about depositing!
Once you've selected the tokens to deposit, you can click on Deposit button. You're done!