Add Liquidity (Manual)
Step by step guide to adding liquidity in Pulsar
Adding liquidity in Pulsar AMM V3 or concentrated liquidity is similar to standard AMM with just a few more steps. Here's what you'll need; 1. Pair of tokens to add liquidity (e.g. GLMR + DOT if you select GLMT-DOT farm) 2. GLMR to pay gas transaction
Adding liquidity in Pulsar AMM V3 or concentrated liquidity is similar to standard AMM with just a few more steps. Here's what you'll need; 1. Pair of tokens to add liquidity 2. GLMR to pay gas transaction
Step 1: Create New Position
In Pulsar Pools page, click on + New Position
or click on a featured pool's Deposit
If you have an existing position in the same farm you will see this pop-up otherwise you will get to the one-pager to add liquidity directly. Click on Create New Position
Step 2: Select a Pair
Now you can select a pair by choosing tokens or from clicking any of the popular pairs. Once done, the next section will be auto-shown.
Step 3: Select Range
Selecting range is a crucial step and would directly affect risk and return so choose carefully. You will have a list of ranges on the left with potential risk and profit to choose from, the smaller the range the more potential return. However that would also mean you will need to actively manage the position and might be out of range if the price of the token changes.
So for most users the standard range is recommended.
If you click on Expert
option you can set your own range on the right by manually inputting the minimum and maximum price.
Once you have selected the range you want to go with, move on to the next section.
Step 4: Enter Amount
Input the amount you would like to provide as liquidity. Bear in mind that the deposit ratio isn't usually 50/50, so you'll often need a greater amount of one token. You can use our Swap page to get the necessary input that is ideal to you.
A pop-up message will appear with your selected position, amount and range. Double check the numbers and click Confirm Supply
. Then confirm your wallet transaction. If you are adding liquidity for the first time you will need to aprove contract first.
Once done click on Review & Confirm
A pop-up message will appear with your selected position, amount and range. Double check the numbers and click Confirm Supply
. Then confirm your wallet transaction. If you are adding liquidity for the first time you will need to aprove contract first.
Success! You Have Managed to Add Liquidity
Once the transaction is confirmed you will see this unique NFT representing your position. Once you've successfully created an LP position, you're earning immediately!
Thanks to advances in our rewarding infrastructure, we've removed the need for you to "farm" to start earning rewards. Immediately after you've provided liquidity you'll be earning.
You can also go to Dashboard by clicking View Portfolio
to view and manage your position.
Last updated