How to Send Frax to Moonbeam using Frax Ferry

Using Frax's new Ferry you can send Frax across and get native Frax on Moonbeam wihtout worrying about different bridge risks.

Here is a guide using Frax Ferry, sending Frax from Ethereum to Moonbeam.

Step 1: Visit

Step 2: Set Right Chain Info

Select Departure as the chain you are sending Frax from and Destination to Moonbeam.

Step 3: Amount and Recipient Address

If you don't have your wallet connected yet make sure you do before proceeding further, set your amount and click use my address to send to the same wallet address on Moonbeam.

Step 4: Send Frax

Click on Embark to proceed. You will get a summary of your transaction, confirm all accurate details then hit approve, then sign transaction in your wallet.

Step 5: Success! You have Successfully Sent Frax to Moonbeam. The summary page will show when to expect receiving your Frax.

Last updated